Tsvirmi Savior Church

Tucked in the village of Tsvirmi, Mestia Municipality, the Tsvirmi Savior Church is a timeless piece of Svaneti's spiritual heritage. Dating back to the 10th century, the church is a hall-type structure, enriched with three ancillary buildings and a distinct bell tower in the north-west corner.

Inside the hall, two pairs of pilasters on the longitudinal walls hold arches aloft, culminating in a semi-circular apse to the east. A single step elevates the altar, drawing the eye towards the vibrant 12th-century frescoes that adorn the church's interior. Lighting from two arched windows subtly highlights these historical artworks.

Despite its simplistic exterior, an equilateral cross at the west facade's base, along with the cleanly carved "shirimi" stone floor, adds to the building's quiet elegance. Side buildings, crafted from hollow stone and slate, blend harmoniously with the main structure.

The two-story bell tower, featuring both dual and single arches, echoes the traditional style of Svan towers. Inside the church, invaluable 11th and 12th-century pictorial and engraved icons capture the artistic essence of medieval Svaneti, with an ornately decorated cross in front of the altar as the pièce de résistance.

A visit to Tsvirmi Savior Church is a journey into Georgia's sacred past, a testament to the region's enduring spiritual and artistic legacy.

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